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"It is my intent to be the Pillar of Light which I have promised to be, and believed to be able to be, and for which I am here right now."

"I believe every aspect of our lives, at home and at work, can be improved if we use our power to think, reflect, and make conscious choices about our thoughts, attitudes, words, actions, and habits. Instead, many of us think of ourselves as victims. We complain about our circumstances and what others did to us. Whatever psychological comfort there is in feeling powerless and blameless when things aren't going right, in the end, victims lead unsatisfied lives. We're most vulnerable to ‘victimitis’ when we're under the influence of powerful emotions like fear, insecurity, anger, frustration, grief, or depression. These feelings are so powerful, we believe our state of mind is inevitable. Our only hope is they will go away on their own. Yet it's during times of emotional tumult that using our power to choose our thoughts and attitudes is most important. At this point, we maybe can't make pain go away, but we can refuse to suffer.
Even when we don't like any of our choices, we do have some once we realize we can take control. It isn't easy, but what we do and how we choose to feel about ourselves has a profound impact on the quality of our lives. Victims may get sympathy for a while, but that isn't enough. Taking personal responsibility for our happiness and success can be scary, but the payoff is enormous. Once we clear this emotion at the cellular level more light is able to enter the physical body and be absorbed into our cells, which in turn flicks it through to the DNA, which then starts the process of moving you out of your carbon based body to your silicon crystal body." 

And receive my FREE Body Sensations & Emotions Workbook.



Mandy is the author of "Simple Harmony" and Creator of "The Harmony Method, a Light Practitioner, Multi Dimensional Communicator, Spiritual and Life Development Educator, Cellular Memory Practitioner, Natural/Light Body Assistant and Reader with the gifts of Mediumship, Clairvoyance, (all sensing), Creator and Presenter of Centre Of Connection and Intimate Conversations, Light TV, and Public Speaker.

Mandy travels New Zealand holding workshops, seminars, lectures, which have taken her into Australia, connected through Skype/Zoom to many around the world in Canada, UK, Singapore, Thailand, and Ireland.

Mandy has featured in a number of articles about Mediums and Clairvoyants in New Zealand and Canada, including an article in NEXT Magazine. 

Mandy Horton


Discover the key to unlocking the hidden patterns of disharmony within your family that can lead to illness and disease. Through this method, you will uncover which parent you inherited these patterns from and how you can break free from them, leading to a healthier and happier life.


In this book, you will learn:


- The impact of family patterns on your health and well-being

- How to identify and break free from these patterns

- The power of self-healing and self-transformation

- Techniques for improving your physical, emotional, and spiritual health

- Strategies for creating a harmonious and healthy family dynamic

- The importance of forgiveness and letting go of past traumas

- How to cultivate self-love and self-care practices

- The role of mindset and belief systems in creating optimal health

- The connection between mind, body, and spirit in achieving overall wellness

- And much more!

Simple Harmony Book Cover.jpg

We come from the Stars and we shall return… we are SOUL SPIRITS entwined within the Heavenly Stars.

We are Visitors here just passing through…our Purpose here is to Observe, to Learn, to Grow, to Love, and to Return Home.
​ Remember...

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